
Long ago, an island was created at the hands of men of science who were too curious for their own good.

The island, dubbed Idera, was made with the express purpose of creating a new transhumanist utopia through small scale experiments. these would be later implemented at a larger scale for the rest of the human population. The subjects for these experiments were a variety of genetically modified woodland creatures.

Strange events occured on the island that drove these scientists to abandon the island. And so the animals remained to set up a world of their own.

But many strange mysteries remain upon this island. Especially surrounding a mysterious figure that many only speak of as "Arudoth"

No one knows what this memetic idea is. But one thing does seem certain: hatred and malice are tied with the name. A hatred of all that is good especially.

it remains a name that lurks in the subconcious of many on the island. though most know not why.